Adding to the casual charm, good ole southern cooking...fried chicken, corn on the cob, strawberry shortcake favors. As with any wedding, if this is the theme you are going with, you should take in to consideration the seasons. Make sure to provide guests with proper necessities, if the temperature will be sure to drop at night provide wraps, if its going to be real sunny provide parasols,or if it has been buggy make sure to have plenty of bug spray on hand to go around.
If you are in the Illinois area, a few locations to check out would be:
1. Byron Colby Barn, www.prairiecrossing.com
2. Walnut Grove Farm, www.walnutgrovefarm.com (They also have a cozy B&B on site)
3. Veha Barn Rental, www.village.deer-park.il.us
4. Carpenter's Country Barn, www.countrybarnparty.com (They offer to set a bonfire-think s'mores round the campfire with all your guests instead of traditional cake)
Good luck "Gettin' Hitched"...hope you have found some inspiration here!
Photos From: (left to right from top) boards.weddingbee.com, cateringbydeangelos.com, thepreppywedding.blogspot.com, lianeyvkoff.com, flickr.com, elizabethannedesigns.com, bellethemmagazine.blogspot.com, weddingpaperdivas.com, wedding-ideas-guide.com, weddingbeepro.com, katyelliot.com, theweddingco.com, marthastewartweddings.com, thegreenhead.com, and marthastewartweddings.com
My best friend is looking for a venue for her wedding and is interested in Carpenter's Country Barn. The number that is listed is no longer in service. Do you know the current number?